Dr. Teah Hairston is a mother of three, community caregiver, sociologist, certified holistic nutritionist, and holistic health and wellness coach. Dr. Hairston holds degrees in Sociology (PhD), Psychology (BA), African American Studies (BA), and Southern Studies (MA). She has more than ten years of experience in physical fitness and training, ten years of experience teaching, community organizing, and activism, and has been celebrated for her success in trauma-informed healing work over the past 6 years. Dr. Hairston is also a professional research data specialist and grant program evaluator, a trained Emotional Emancipation Circle (EEC) facilitator, and a Black women's grief and loss group program coordinator, specializing in pregnancy loss, early infant demise, and infertility. She also holds certificates from her continued education in Black Psychology and Black Feminist Healing Arts. As a self-trained fitness enthusiast and former fitness instructor, Dr. Hairston emphasizes in her work the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of exercise/physical fitness, and its therapeutic value in self- and community-care.
Named a Champion of Maternal Mental Health by Her Health First and Be Mom Aware, Dr. Hairston’s work in Black mental and maternal health has been recognized locally as a valuable resource for Black women. Dr. Hairston’s work has also been uplifted on a national level, including a co-authored publication in the Journal of Ethnicity and Health, Community Engagement Award from the University of Missouri, and honorable mention from the University of Mississippi.
Dr. Hairston serves as Vice President of Safe Black Space, a non-profit organization that exists to nurture Black wellness by creating intentional healing space for Black people, providing tips and strategies for understanding and dealing with racial stress and trauma, and engaging in culturally relevant restorative practices. She is also the Vice President of Sacramento Area Congregations Together (Sac ACT), a grassroots multi-faith organization dedicated to creating more just and equitable communities.
As a former undergraduate instructor, Dr. Hairston has taught courses on the sociology of health, social inequalities, social and economic justice, the family, culture and mass media, criminology, and more. As a community activist and social justice advocate, Dr. Hairston facilitates workshops focused on various aspects of holistic health including but not limited to mental health, maternal health, physical fitness, and joy.
Dr. Hairston leverages her personal background combined with her diverse professional, educational, and community experiences to empower Black women and Black communities using a holistic approach.